Diseases that Threaten Connecticut's Wildlife
Diseases Threatening CT's Birds
Links are provided if you wish to learn more about a disease.
West Nile Virus
Wild birds serve as the reservoir for WNV
Transmitted among wild birds (and humans, among other mammals) primarily by mosquitoes
Most birds do not become sick if infected - but some do, ESPECIALLY crows and blue jays
Though since WNV was discovered in the United States in 1999, the virus has been detected in over 300 species of dead birds
Majority of birds do not show symptoms, but some may include:
Uncoordinated walking, lethargy, tremors, inability to fly, rapid weight loss, green waste, blindness, lack of awareness, head droop, and abnormal body posture

Avian Cholera
Contagious infection due to bacterium Pasteurella multocida
Different strains, but in wild birds, primarily one strain: Type 1
Transmitted by bird-to-bird contact, contact with secretions or feces of infected birds, or ingestion of food or water containing the bacteria
Convulsions, swimming in circles, throwing head back between wings, erratic flight, and miscalculated landing attempts
Mucous discharge from mouth or nose; soiling or matting of feathers, eyes, and bill; pasty or blood-stained droppings
Often see cases with large numbers of dead birds in good body condition with few, if any, sick birds present
Avian Botulism
Paralytic disease caused by ingestion of toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum
Widespread in soil and requires warm temperatures
Waterfowl, turkeys, pheasants and most wild birds may be affected if they ingest the toxin directly or may eat invertebrates containing it
Paralysis of wings and legs; cannot control third eyelid, neck muscles, and other muscles
Birds with paralyzed neck muscles cannot hold their heads up and often drown (see picture)
Death can also result from water deprivation, electrolyte imbalance, respiratory failure, or predation

Duck Viral Enteritis
aka Duck Plague
Acute, highly contagious disease of ducks, geese, and swans of all ages, characterized by sudden death, high mortality (particularly among older ducks), and hemorrhages and necrosis in internal organs
Caused by duck herpesvirus 1 (anatid herpesvirus 1) through direct contact or contaminated water
Unable to stand, show weakness and depression
Nasal discharge, watery or bloody diarrhea
Ducklings frequently show dehydration and weight loss, as well as blue beaks and blood-stained vents
Dead males may have prolapse of the penis
aka House Finch Conjuvitis
Caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum, well-known for causing chronic respiratory tract disease in domestic poultry and gamebirds
Was not recognized as potentially important pathogen of wild birds until it decimated House Finch populations in the eastern United States in the mid-1990s
Puffy or swollen eyes, crusty appearing eyelids, cloudy fluid drainage
Rubbing eyes on branches and birdfeeder surfaces, remaining on ground or at birdfeeder after other birds have left, colliding with stationary objects due to impaired vision

Caused by inhalation of spores of fungi in the Aspergillus group, of which A. fumigatus is the primary species responsible for infections in wild birds
All species of birds susceptible
Majority of reported cases occur in waterfowl, raptors, and gulls
Can cause acute or chronic illness
Will die quickly from respiratory distress
May exhibit lethargy, dehydration, loss of appetite, diarrhea, gasping for breath
May exhibit loss of body condition, lethargy, difficulty flying and breathing, vomiting, and diarrhea
May also show signs of neurological disease
Both may also have fungus growing on respiratory tissues that resembles bread mold
aka Rice Breast Disease
Parasitic infection caused by a protozoan, different per species
Commonly Sarcocystis rileyi in waterfowl
Especially dabbling ducks (mallard, pintail, shoveler, teal, black duck, gadwall, and widgeon)
Ingest eggs of parasite in food or water
When eggs hatch, parasites move to form cysts at skeletal muscles
Waterfowl affected usually do not look or act sick and generally the disease is not fatal
Occasionally, severe infections may cause muscle loss with resultant lameness or weakness, making them more susceptible to predation

Avian Pox
Caused by several different strains of avipoxvirus
Affects variety of birds, including upland gamebirds, songbirds, marine birds, the parrot family, and raptors
Transmission via direct contact with infected birds, ingestion of contaminated food, water or surfaces
Insects, especially mosquitoes, can also act as mechanical vectors
Two forms: cutaneous pox (most common) and diphtheritic ("wet") pox
Wart-like growths, sometimes in large clusters, occur around the eyes, beak, legs - any non-feathered skin
Leads to difficulty seeing, breathing, feeding, or perching
Growths form in mouth, throat, trachea and lungs resulting in difficulty breathing or swallowing.
Birds with either form of pox may appear weak and emaciated
Photo by Andy Davis
Lymphoproliferative Disease Virus (LPDV)
Emerged in US in 2012
Much has yet to be researched
Believed to be in wild turkey populations throughout eastern US
Some turkeys carry the virus without becoming ill, while other turkeys can develop tumors on the head and feet, can ultimately die from it
Look very similar to Avian Pox tumors
Cannot tell the difference without testing
May even be both!

Avian Salmonellosis
Bacterial disease caused by Salmonella typhimurium
Spread by direct contact between birds, from contaminated surfaces/environments, food or water
Outbreaks often associated with bird feeding stations
Songbirds, European starlings, blackbirds, common grackles, and mourning doves are most commonly affected.
No definitive signs
Some may be carriers and appear healthy
Others may have lethargy, ruffled feathers, droopy head, shivering, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and maybe arthritis
Eventually coma and death
Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study