Diseases that Threaten Connecticut's Wildlife
Diseases Threatening CT's Mammals
Links are provided if you wish to learn more about a disease.

Fatal viral disease primarily found in bats and wild carnivores, such as raccoons, skunks, and foxes
Raccoon rabies strain is only terrestrial strain of rabies in CT
Found in saliva, transmitted primarily through a bite
Can also spread when saliva or central nervous system tissue (brain, spinal cord) enters an open wound or mucous membranes (eyes/nose/mouth)
Unprovoked aggression OR unusually friendly
Disorientated, impaired movement, difficulty walking
Unusual vocalizations
Raccoons are primary carriers of the parasitic nematode Baylisascaris procyonis
Not affected, but dangerous to other mammals that ingest or come into contact with infected feces
Can cause intestinal blockage
If eggs penetrate the small intestine, can migrate through body, where the eggs hatch and the larvae migrate to the brain, eyes and other organs
Serious eye disease or central nervous system infection can cause death or paralysis depending on the location in the body and number of worms
Very rare!

Feline Distemper:
Caused by parvovirus
Affects felines such as the bobcat and lynx (and domestic cat) as well as raccoons, weasels, and skunks
Attacks all rapidly dividing cells such as bone marrow
High fever followed by depression, vomiting, anorexia, and diarrhea
Canine Distemper:
Caused by a paramyxovirus
HIGHLY contagious, spreads in many ways
Affects same animals except instead of the felines, affects canines such as the wolf, coyote, and fox (and domestic dog)
Attacks respiratory, nervous, and gastrointestinal systems
Very similar to rabies: abnormal behavior, apparent lack of fear
Nasal discharge, crusty eyes
Diarrhea, vomiting leading to weakness, emancipation
Labored breathing
Sarcoptic Mange
Caused by microscopic Sarcoptes scabiei mites that burrow in skin
Sometimes deadly to foxes and coyotes, especially in the wintertime
Can be passed to domestic dogs and humans!
Cracked skin, encrusted with scabs
Intensive scratching
Losing weight and hair

White-Nose Syndrome
Caused by Pseudogymnoascus destructans fungus
Spreads easily among closely hibernating colonies
White fungus on muzzle or wings
Act strangely during cold winter months, including flying outside in the day and clustering near the entrances of hibernacula (caves and mines where bats hibernate)
Increases frequency of arousal from torpor and accelerates depletion of fat reserves, leading to starvation
WNS is estimated to have killed more than 6 million bats in the Northeast and Canada since its first appearance in New York in 2006. In some sites, 90 to 100 percent of bats have died.
Chronic Wasting Disease
CWD is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) of mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, and moose
(Generally) only white-tailed deer are found in CT
TSE is a neurodegenerative disease caused by prions (disease-causing form of protein)
Spongiform meaning it causes sponge-like holes in brain tissue! Always fatal!
Can spread through direct contact or indirectly through surfaces where disease is present
Commonly through feces and saliva
Advanced stages = staggering, poor posture, droopy ears and head (see picture)
Very late stages = emaciated